CargoFax - U.S. Import Trade Intelligence
United States Trade Intelligence

Empower your business with real-time U.S. Import trade insights.
Unlimited access to millions of accurate bill of lading records.

CargoFax Trade intelligence

Informed Decision-Making
with AI-Empowered Trade data

Our interactive platform curates and visualizes trade data, empowering you to make informed decisions quickly. Spend less time preparing data and more time analyzing it.

Smart filters refine searches, while summarized tables identify new opportunities and highlight market share.

CargoFax provides a deeper understanding of trade flows.

Informed Decision-Making with
AI-Empowered Trade Insights

CargoFax Trade intelligence

Our interactive platform curates and visualizes trade data, empowering you to make informed decisions quickly. Spend less time preparing data and more time analyzing it.

Smart filters refine searches, while summarized tables identify new opportunities and highlight market share.

CargoFax provides a deeper understanding of trade flows.

Access Every Import Record,
With Full Manifest Details

Transparency is essential for effective decision-making. CargoFax provides comprehensive bill of lading information on all U.S. imports, updated daily.

This includes container and BOL numbers, commodity descriptions, volumes, package types, importers, exporters, carriers, details on origin and arrival ports, and more.

Identify the best-selling products, top sellers, and key buyers on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Enjoy unlimited data access with no daily limits, ensuring an unrestricted data experience.

CargoFax Import records

Access Every Import Record,
With Full Manifest Details

CargoFax Import records

Transparency is essential for effective decision-making. CargoFax provides comprehensive bill of lading information on all U.S. imports, updated daily.

This includes container and BOL numbers, commodity descriptions, volumes, package types, importers, exporters, carriers, details on origin and arrival ports, and more.

Identify the best-selling products, top sellers, and key buyers on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Enjoy unlimited data access with no daily limits, ensuring an unrestricted data experience.

CargoFax platform

Trade Analysis Made Easy

Our platform offers filterable, sortable, and searchable data, allowing you to analyze trade relations instantly.

Enhanced categorization enables users to search manageable segments, improving accuracy, reducing analysis time, and facilitating better decision-making.

Get instant visibility on millions of companies, understand the latest market trends, explore trade relationships, and analyze new markets effortlessly.

Trade Analysis Made Easy

CargoFax platform

Our platform offers filterable, sortable, and searchable data, allowing you to analyze trade relations instantly.

Enhanced categorization enables users to search manageable segments, improving accuracy, reducing analysis time, and facilitating better decision-making.

Get instant visibility on millions of companies, understand the latest market trends, explore trade relationships, and analyze new markets effortlessly.

Enhanced by Machine Learning

Trained on millions of BOL records, our advanced classification models provide clean and accurately classified data, updated daily!

We standardize participant names, correct typographical errors, organize entities, and classify manifest descriptions into standardized HS codes (4-digit), optimizing the scope and precision of your searches.

Avoid 'garbage in, garbage out' and experience the most refined import database, engineered to minimize errors and deliver high-quality information.

CargoFax AI-Empowered Import Database

Enhanced by Machine Learning

CargoFax AI-Empowered Import Database

Trained on millions of BOL records, our advanced classification models provide clean and accurately classified data, updated daily!

We standardize participant names, correct typographical errors, organize entities, and classify manifest descriptions into standardized HS codes (4-digit), optimizing the scope and precision of your searches.

Avoid 'garbage in, garbage out' and experience the most refined import database, engineered to minimize errors and deliver high-quality information.

Watch Our Demo Below

Web-Based Service

Insight at your fingertips, easily accessible on any web browser.

Data Availability

Access the latest data or analyze historical trends seamlessly.

Real-Time Insights

Updated before our competitors. Access the latest data to drive your decisions.

Enterprise Reporting

Looking to integrate CargoFax into your enterprise? Contact us for bespoke trade solutions.

Web-Based Service

Insight at your fingertips, easily accessible on any web browser.

Real-Time Insights

Updated before our competitors. Access the latest data to drive your decisions.

Data Availability

Access the latest data or analyze historical trends seamlessly.

Enterprise Reporting

Looking to integrate CargoFax into your enterprise? Contact us for bespoke trade solutions.

Ready for Insights Today?

Our team is ready to help you make the most
of your Cargofax experience.

Ready for Insights Today?

Our team is ready to help you make the most
of your Cargofax experience.